(verified 2010 Apr. / EOS 4.3.0 / DCS-7120T-4S 03.01)
RPM Extension
EOS has Extension feature but it is not only SWIX file but also accepts standard RPM file.
It is okay to make a RPM that specialized for Arista or EOS and just use as naked RPM Extension. And you can use some Fedora 9 standard RPMs as is, without any customization for Arista.
(There is no guarantee of 100% compatibility of all RPMs of standard Fedora 9)
In this document, we choose fping-2.4b2-8.fc9.i386.rpm which is the one of standard Fedora Core 9 based RPMs to show the RPM Extension management. To see native SWIX based Extension management, see
Copy to Extensions directory
Copy RPM file to Extensions directory.
Following RPM sample file is available on
rpm.pbone.net or somewhere.
file name : fping-2.4b2-8.fc9.i386.rpm
MD5 checksum : 82f07da4fe1f45c4a2dd13d6adbbbd0e
COPY command
There are several ways to import files from the outside of the box. This time, we copy a file from USB memory by COPY command with "extension:". (don't forget to add ":" carefully)
localhost#copy usb1:fping-2.4b2-8.fc9.i386.rpm extension:
Do SHOW EXTENSIONS command to check the RPM file is there.
localhost#show extensions
Name Version/Release Status RPMs
------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------ ----
fping-2.4b2-8.fc9.i386.rpm 2.4b2/8.fc9 A, NI 1
A: available | NA: not available | I: installed | NI: not installed | F: forced
Above "Status" column has A(available) and NI(not installed) values.
Extension files are located under /mnt/flash/.extensions/ directory. You can see them from bash.
[admin@localhost ~]$ ls /mnt/flash/.extensions/
[admin@localhost ~]$
Install it
EXTENSION command installs the RPM which placed under extensions directory.
localhost#extension fping-2.4b2-8.fc9.i386.rpm
After that, fping command will be available from bash shell.
[admin@localhost ~]$ fping -C 5 -q xx.xx.xx.17 xx.xx.xx.18 xx.xx.xx.19
xx.xx.xx.17 : 0.45 0.42
xx.xx.xx.18 : 0.27 0.18
xx.xx.xx.19 : 0.21 0.21
[admin@localhost ~]$
rpm command also shows that fping had been installed.
[admin@localhost ~]$ rpm -qa | grep fping
[admin@localhost ~]$
SHOW EXTENSIONS comamnd shows;
localhost#show extensions
Name Version/Release Status RPMs
------------------------------ ------------ ------------------------- ------ ----
fping-2.4b2-8.fc9.i386.rpm 2.4b2/8.fc9 A, I 1
A: available | NA: not available | I: installed | NI: not installed | F: forced
The "Status" value changed from NI (not installed) to I (installed).
Permanent setup
It is the same as SWIX based Extension, to make the extension persistent, use COPY command as follows;
COPY command
After following operation, the specified extension will be re-installed after the next boot.
localhost#copy installed-extensions boot-extensions
SHOW command
SHOW INSTALLED-EXTENSIONS and SHOW BOOT-EXTENSIONS commands show the current status of extensions.
localhost#show installed-extensions
localhost#show boot-extensions